Hope the Sunderland is going to be included?

Storm Of War the successor to the IL-2 Sturmovik

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Hope the Sunderland is going to be included?

Postby KenleyKid on Fri May 19, 2006 9:11 am

If so, then it will be a first for any published flight sim. I'm personally looking forward to the early British aircraft which haven't exactly featured highly in combat flight sims - unlike their German counterparts! :lol: Wonder which will be flyable and which just AI?
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Postby MaXMhZ on Fri May 19, 2006 11:01 am

I haven't heard the Sunderland mentioned ever, so it's probably not included let alone as a flyable. probably . SOW is still a work in progress and not even in alpha testing phase at the moment, so only Oleg and his team might have an idea what'a in and what's not. - So just start whining at the UBI forums :;) wwwho knows, there already might be a Sunderland whiner and you could team up :D
do keep an eye on the SOW:BoB page: http://airwarfare.com/Sims/IL2BOB/index.htm

I'm sure there will be more info coming soon with E3 andthe (loose)deadline of Nov 2006 (I myself don't expect it before fall 2007) approaching
If you mean the Sunderland MR5 - It's highly unlikely it will be in - It's far too big a project not to have caused huge attention by now, being a multi-engined flying boat You will have a large following if you start whining - me among them ;)

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Postby KenleyKid on Fri May 19, 2006 12:44 pm

Okay, I think there is someone else here who might be interested in 4 engine aircraft - LB where are you..........
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Postby Lionman on Sun May 28, 2006 3:33 pm

Never mind a Sunderland (although that WOULD be nice I agree) let's have a multi-crewable Lancaster at long last! Imagine the coop missions online!
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Postby EURO_Snoopy on Sun May 28, 2006 9:55 pm

Hmmm second the Lancaster, I can see her appearing as a SOW addon, this aircraft and the B-17 would be sims in their own right if done correctly.
We already have RRG producing 3 addons in rapid succession for FB, perhaps SOW will serve as the backbone for many such third party companies. This has been hinted at, though Maddox would impose strict controls and high standards on add ons. No CFS debacle here!

Just imagine the possibilities.
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Postby Lionman on Sun May 28, 2006 10:22 pm

EURO_Snoopy wrote:Hmmm second the Lancaster, I can see her appearing as a SOW addon, this aircraft and the B-17 would be sims in their own right if done correctly.
We already have RRG producing 3 addons in rapid succession for FB, perhaps SOW will serve as the backbone for many such third party companies. This has been hinted at, though Maddox would impose strict controls and high standards on add ons. No CFS debacle here!

Just imagine the possibilities.

I've lost the link for now but Oleg actually said recently that one of his intentions with SOW/BoB is to capture the market currently serviced my a grillion independent companies producing super-high-quality payware add-ons for Microsoft's civilian Flight Simulator series. (FS95,2002,2004)

THOSE would be the ideal source for dedicated payware multi-crewed Lancaster and B-17 packages ro operate with the same game engine and in the SOW environment. Just as there are currently dedicated payware 747-400 packages with detail right down to coffee cups and flight manuals in the cockpit and even higher standards of graphics and flight models than FS9, tested and approved by real serving pilots on the same aircraft.

Remember that there are still at least one original restored Lancaster (UK Battle of Britain Flight) and one original restored B-17 (Memphis Belle) still flying with pilots who can test software simulations!
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