Just thought I would let the Mission Mate users among us know that despite my last "Mission Mate is expiring" post I have been slowly working on some new improvements before the next map release, that will offer a little more flexibility in that you will be able to choose what airbase is occupied by which army with more than one airbase. So if you wish you may have all land bases occupied by one army with the other army having to launch all attacks from a carrier based launch site.
This opens a number of different scenarios that may be interesting.
In the scenario below, fighters from a land base take off to rendezvous with aircraft taking off from a near by carrier supplying reinforcement aircraft and are charged with the task of escorting them to their target airbase. This could easily be spiced up with enemy aircraft activity.
NOTE: Aircraft may takeoff and land at separate bases.

The scenario below in a similar fashion to the above scenario, fighters takeoff to escort Beaus back to the base of take off. When a routine Jap patrol interrupts the joy ride things get tough, peel off and take out the unexpected enemy patrol or never show your face back in the mess again!!

These scenarios are easily created through next offering of Mission Mate.
I am also experimenting with multiple base occupation by armies chosen by the the user, this is quite a shift from the original design of Mission Mate and may take some rework of the original code.
One other option I have been playing with a little, is game play with random enemy activity, that is to say that you will be charged with the responsibility of leading your flight without coordinates to make general patrol duties without knowing exactly what you will find with each mission, plus you will be responsible for defining the flight path for your flight group.
BTW the New Guinea map is not far away, I just want to test the variable base occupation thing a little longer before release. Several bug fixes also mostly to do with naval activity and Mission Mate file saving have been implemented.
Cheers, CrazySchmidt.