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Postby Binks on Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:21 am

Hello all,

before I re- mortgage the house and buy a Microsoft ff2 on e bay, has anyone tried out a CH fighterstick, and if so, are they a match for the ff2?
Any information gratefully received,

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Joysticks (again)

Postby Binks on Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:33 am


Saitek X52 Pro (at least I might be able to try this before buying, even out here!)

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Postby MaXMhZ on Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:20 am

CH Products do have high quality sticks. The price is according though, and it's not a guarantee that they will allways last longer than e.g. Saitek sticks. I'm using an evo stick together with an X-45 throttle from Saitek and they have lasted for many years now without any problems. The most importnt thing to me is the adjustability of Saitek sticks and the great profiler software they have for programming. It's allways a good idea to try out a stick before you buy it. The X-52 Pro is a fine system, although I have heard people say it doesn't add much as compared to the X-52, so that might be worth considering too. Saitek also have the evo FFB stick in case you want to keep FFB (not supported on the X-52(Pro)).
Last edited by MaXMhZ on Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby MudPuppy on Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:04 pm

Just a quick comment on the X52, which i really like by the way, is the spring/resistance in the joystick is really not that stiff. If you get to try one out you will probably notice this right off. I've seen some solutions where you can increase this tension by inserting a plastic disk between the top of the spring and the bottom of the joystick handle. I've yet to try it but i don't see why it wouldn't work.
The profiler software is cool, like Max said. Good luck!
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Postby Binks on Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:04 pm

Thanks very much guys,
looks like we may be able to save the house after all.
My current stick is way beyond its sell by date, and very loose, (also right aileron turns u/s!), so don't anticipate many problems switching. I've never used FF before, just relied on my own judgement, but this seems to be deteriorating with age, so maybe I'll give it a try.
Thanks again,

Lance Air Corporal
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