I tried to send ya an email from my yahoo account but it got rejected.
Here's some helpful info for ya based on our earlier conversation

I had the file in the syswow64 directory. I unregistered the file and copied it to the system32 directory and then registered the file. I then tried to rerun system builder but it failed giving me the same error on a different file (msinet.ocx) I did the same thing with this file and was able to launch VAC builder. I then created a new profile with a single command and tested the command with the test phrase button. It recognized my speech and a window popped up saying the test phrase matched. So it looks as though at this point VAC Builder is running. I saved the profile, loaded it, turned VAC on, opened notepad, spoke the phrase, and the appropriate keypress was entered in notepad.

The only thing is, I don't know if there is any impact in re-registering those files in a different location.
Maybe your code can look for the files in their default location? Either way, I'm sure this ought to help you work it out.

Besides, you may not have the same build of VAC that I received.