MetaMis - Current version as of Feb 24 - V0.01Alpha

MetaMis is a Meta-Mission Editor in progress (NOT beta tested) and so you're on your own (allmost

I will listen to all suggestions and requests though

What it lets you do is edit .mis files, and inserting meta commands (Line, Repeat, Arrow), these can be translated to "normal" mis files, so you get things like:


The interface is straight forward (imo)

Using FMB place objects on the map

e.g. if you want to use the "Line" command for runway lights, you place a runway light on two corners of the runway
You save your mis file...
Open it again in MetaMis, - You place a
" ;Line 100" command before the two runway light objects.
You click the "Translate" button and to the right the New (extra) objects will appear...
Left and right panes are editors too! - you can edit the file in them - then save the file with the buttons below

Download the installer http://members.home.nl/maxmhz/MetaMis/M ... pha001.exe to any dir you can find it then run it

The program will be saved under /Program Files/MaXMhZ/
Sorry no fancy stuff here - make links/shortcuts yourself

OK start it up

--- HOW TO USE ---
Now under /MaXMhZ/Examples/ you will find a (meta) mission file... see pic above... load that with "Select Mission". You can edit the mission in the left pane... If you add MetaCommands - make sure you do a
Case sensitive!!! not " ;line 100" but " ;Line 100" !!
Where <MetaCommand> is :
Line <num>
Will place num+1 objects between next 2 objects
Takes 2 objects
This will "fill in" the space between the objects.
Rep <num>
Will place num+1 objects in direction of object 2
Takes 2 objects
This will keep the relative distance bwtween the objects (e.g. place telephone pole1, place telephone 2, orient them both in the right direction and make sure they "fit" - by doing a " ;Rep 100" you will get 100 telephone poles all connection together

Will place objects in direction of object 2
Takes 3 objects
This will keep the relative distance bwtween the objects (e.g. place telephone pole1, place telephone 2, orient them both in the right direction and make sure they "fit", then place a third one (same orientation!) at the point you want them to end "reproducing"

Arrow <num>
Will place a Triangle with each side num+1 objects
Takes 3 objects
Not Implemented - does the same as Arrow

OK to translate the metamission, click the Translate button - to the right the result is shown

Happy playing

So it's "supported" limited lol
Next update will hopefully have "Box <num>" and "BoxU" commands, and a "Merge Mission" button

----------------------- Beta V1.00 coming ----------------------
Preview :

It will be able to merge maps, and add object groups

A lot of the coding still has to be done so...
ETA? lol 2 weeks ?