Issues with Medals and Ranks.

Extreme_One wrote:Ahem, Hi everybody, My name's Extreme_One and I actually do read the f***ing manual!"
Cheers MaxMhz - I have a lot on right now - but as soon as I have some freetime I intend getting stuck into this
Could I perhaps break into this thread to ask Extreme_One three questions.
1. In an installation and download note on the Netwings Forum at this link ... Campaigns/ in the post regarding the download and installation of "Liberation Skies" a US Mustang/Jug campaign by Gambit 21 it says at the end "The campaign installs just as other campaings. Install Extreme One's Allied Campaign first, this will give you a directory to install into." But try as I may I have yet to find any such Campaign by your good self on line. Or is this an inaccurate reference to some other Campaign of yours?
2. As a life-long virtual pilot (I am now 60) I have had and flown all of dear Oleg's marvellous sims since the days of the original IL2 Sturmovik and have interviewed him personally for a former squadron I belonged to. (The now defunct Butcher Bird Brotherhood with whom I flew a YAK 3) In recent years I fly online with the Royal Air Corps one of the oldest and most respected of the few WW1 virtual squadrons who have flown Reb Baron 3D since it began but who are now discovering the delights of FB at last. I fly with them on Hyperlobby as RAC_Lionman_EF (EF stands for Euro-Flight as we also have members in many former colonies abroad.)
Accordingly I now have a very "fat" combined installation of FB+AEP+PF with a great many missions and campaigns. Unfortuntely, as you will know, very few people produce "tidy" let alone "exe installs" or even proper instructions for their missions or campaigns. As a consequence the ranks and medals for some countries have become confused and I now seem to have Russian ranks and medals in my Missions/campaigns/GB folder. My second question therefor is this where may best I find a download source for the correct ranks and insignia for given nations online and where should they be installed.
3. My third and final question is simpler. With many missions and campaigns an excellent "leader Screen" .jpg image with that Mission' or Campaign's title is supplied. Yet in the Missions/Single/GB missions folder for example there is only provision for a single "background" image and that is a TGA file. So where can/should one install these .jpg images for a given Mission or Campaign's leader screen so that they may appear when one selects that campaign? Or is that not possible?