I have Il2 FB and AEP installed all correctly patched. I installed Mat V2.33 correctly with IL-2 location and Custom markings location pointing to the right files, the Hook DLL replaced, load on windows start up and starts IL-2 checked. MAT entered in file types to be copied with it doing that long copying process completed, the active being checked in the icon at the bottom right corner. I then installed the mat manager.
I click on the desktop mat manager icon and it pops up for me promply. I click on the control panel setup button and make sure in configure program locations it points to IL2 FB. I then click OK. I make all my slections for my luftwaffe single engined fighter (Biggest thing was to delete the HUGE unit emblem on side of plane). In the control on the right hand side I make sure FB is clicked then I click launch. It does it's little update thing and puts me into the game. I click on start new campaign as German, blah...blah...blah and whe I get to aircraft customization the huge unit insgnia is still there. What gives?