Chinese nationalist Air Force.

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Chinese nationalist Air Force.

Postby Mr_G on Sun Jan 22, 2006 11:05 pm

I may be missing something, but the only aircraft that has "Nationalist" markings is the Hawk 81. There were quite a few other aircraft, like the I-16, I-153, DB-3, Hawk 75, TB-3, among others, that were used by them. There doesn't seem to be any option to "mark" these planes as such. If there is a way to do this, please let this "slow learner" know.
All I need are some KI-27's and some Claud's.........but you can't have everything.
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Postby Willy on Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:51 am

You don't apear to be missing much, that is, if looking from within IL2 only. However there is a way of acheiving what your looking for, if you install and use the fantastic "IL2 MAT Manager program", which can be found via this forum post

Once installed you will need to set up the chinese roundels, which can be found;

Once that's done & your back in game, you'll find the Chinese roundel under "France", in the case of the first screenie, and "Holland" for the later. This is a nessesary work around the limmited number of Nationalies currently available.

I hope that helps a little and makes some sort of sense :smt024

Also, (apparently/allegedly) the Ki-27 & the Claude will be available eventually for IL2/PF, which I'm really looking forward to :D
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Postby Mr_G on Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:37 am

Thanks....This answers my question.
I hope that this year they come out with a few more aircraft and maps for PF. I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount for the above aircraft and a map of upper PNG and one of the "Slot"
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