I want to get some thoughts on getting a new flight controller system. What i have now is an old Wingman Force (first edition). I have been playing with IL2 for a while and it is becoming evident that one really, REALLY needs to be able to keep track of the enemy (target) while maneuvering. This is not very easy! If you lose your target, they may well end up on your six. I understand that some of you use a ball mouse on your left to allow smooth mouse looking with one of your buttons assigned to snap your view back to front and center.
I thought of perhaps getting a new Saitek X52 stick and throttle and using the throttle's 8-way rocker to look but then I wondered if the rocker would be smooth enough. My hat switch is really not cutting it for me and I don't want to invest $100 to get a system when all I really needed was a good roller ball mouse for my left hand.
What should I do? What do you folks use? I could buy anything at this moment!
Thanks in advance!