FFB Problem

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FFB Problem

Postby MaSkullKo on Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:19 am

Hi everyone,

are there any newer FFB editors to modify the FFB settings available and can they be recommended? Found some older ones but they obviously don´t work with XP SP2.
After I started using Il2 Joy Control, which is a fantastic utilitiy, the FFB effects felt in the sim aren´t that well-defined as before anymore. The tension and resistance of the stick is still ok, but all effects come very "muddy", not as "edgy" as before and are sometimes hardly feelable, altough the same demanded effects can be properly felt when tested without the sim startet.
Gear: Thrustmaster AB FFB, Saitek rudder controls, Saitek keyboard with
command pad
FF=1 set.

Thanx a lot in advance.

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Problem solved!!!

Postby MaSkullKo on Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:54 pm

Using the Thrustmaster AB FFB the used USB cannot be unplugged without
losing the proper FFB effects. Requires uninstall+reinstall of the driver.
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Postby MaXMhZ on Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:09 pm

Did you look under Start - Control Panel - Game Controllers and select your stick? there might be FFB settings there...

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FFB Problem>>>FFB Problem!!!

Postby MaSkullKo on Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:29 pm

Hi MaXMhZ,

first of all many thanx for the fast response.

The joystick was working perfectly tested in the game controller, but in the sim the FFB effects didn´t work properly. The reason please find described in my previous message.


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Postby MaXMhZ on Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:35 pm

AFAIK neither JoyControl nor IL2Sticks will change FFB settings. These utilities only change the profile settings in conf.ini

The only setting in conf.ini I'm aware of is the FF=1 to turn FFB on, 0 to turn it off. Other FFB behaviour is handled by the joystick driver. I tried http://www.thrustmaster.com but it seems their server is down at the moment. It could well be they can help you further. Maybe with an alternate driver.

There has been a lot of confusion in the past about conf.ini holding parameters for FFB effects. This is not true AFAIK.

If you recently changed settings, maybe you can restore xP to a previous state and see if that helps. Also make sure you use the same USB port and plane type when comparing. (not all USB ports are the same - this goes for planes too).

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Problem solved!!!

Postby MaSkullKo on Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:10 pm

Hello MaXMhZ,

the problem was caused due to the disconnection of the Joystick from it´s USB port, and, as you said, had nothing to do with the stick control utilities, which I installed at the same time.
After driver - uninstall + reinstall together with having the JS plugged back into the same USB port as before everything is fine again. So this isssue is solved.
The `FFB=1´ - setting in the conf.ini I only mentioned as an information because sometimes people wonder why their FFB devices don´t work and the setting is FFB=0>>>FFB disabled.
When I spoke about `FFB editors´ in my initial message I meant utilities to modify the the single effects in the FFB folder in the directory such as autocannon, bomb, machinegun, etc. , which cannot be directly influenced by the general FFB settings via the device driver.
I already found and downloaded such editor and it allows to modify/alter the above mentioned effects and make them more suitable to the specific
At the moment I´m working on the machine guns and cannons for my favorite planes.

Thanks a lot for your advices.

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Postby MaXMhZ on Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:22 pm

Thanks for the reply MaSkullKo.
A utility to alter the FFB effect settings could be very interesting to other users, could you tell more about it?

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Force Feedback Editor>>>Download link

Postby MaSkullKo on Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:05 am

Hello MaXMhZ,

following please find the link for the DL of the above editor:


I also found some already modified sets of effects created by `Blades´ which might be of interest for FFB joystick users. Light + medium versions.

Download from Missions4Today/Downloads/Joystick Utilities.

Don´t forget to backup your original "Forcefeedback" folder in your IL-2 directory, and replace with either the self edited files or with Blade´s files from the "Light-" or the "Medium" Force Feedback folder.


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Postby MaXMhZ on Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:11 am

Thanks very much for the link MaSkullKo - Very interesting site.

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