One more thing you can try is to lower the fuel amount you take to 25% and don't carry ordonance. to lower the total weight of the plane. Also keep chocks on untill you have maximum power and kick flaps in just before you leave the deck. Raise gear the instant you leave the deck too. Practice some offline using FMB by placing a carrier on the map, place the plane for takeoff, save the mission to one of the dogfight directories, and "create Server" while not going online. There are several different carriers too - If you select a small one takeoff will be near to impossible. I flew gliders myself, but carrier takeoff is quit something different
It can be done with a lot of practice though. It's not the flight model that's not right; in fact it is very good and many effects are implemented. I think torque together with prop-wash, too low takeoff speed and too heavy a plane work together here to make the wing drop
The Corsair is a heavy plane to start with. It needs a carrier like the Lexington for takeoff. Even then you will find yourself just a couple of feet off the water. What I do is power the engine up to max power, chocks off, push stick forward to get the tailwheel off the deck (fusilage horizontal for min drag), kick the flaps in and raise the gear when I leave the deck, intentionally diving a little to get more speed, shear just above the water in a very gentle climb untill I have some alt, and then turn/fly away.